Communicating Visual Arts

Final part is to communicate your art?After you did ….1 and 2…investigated different process and saw what you like as an artist now is time to represent your exhibition and your artworks. Very important part is how you are translating your message to your audeience. How do you connect with your client? What do you want to say with your Art and how? Here an important part is the selection of your works, the way you order them and the final overall arrangement .

This is very important part as this is how people will remember you. What is your story? Who you are as a person? What is your message? Would you like to inspired people with your art? Do you want to bring them joy and happiness? Do you want to talk about an important environmental issues or gendar equality? Do you want to shock and thrill them?

Try it yourself:

  1. What do you want to say?
  2. How? (which type of Art form/materials/presentation will you choose)
  3. Why?

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